Thursday, December 14, 2017

8 Weeks

Yay! I can finally say i freaking finally made it 8 weeks into recovery. :D This has been a remarkable recovery for me. I can finally eat again and let me say it feels weird to chew cause i haven't used those muscles for 8 weeks so i can only imagine it will take some time to get used to. I saw my oral surgeon for my 2 month check up and had the surgical splint come out and i am no longer " wired" shut. I'll admit yes i did lose a lot of weight and i hope to gain a little bit of weight back on cause i look skinnier than normal. I really do love and appreciate everyone's love and support and concern during this time. I know everyone's been so worried about me which i understand. Now my grandma thinks i will start throwing up foods cause i haven't ate a normal solid diet in 8 weeks but nope i get a little nauseated but i don't throw up. Its been a learning experience and its been hard on my family especially having to cope with it but i will say it is 10 x harder on me. Its crazy how its been 2 months since i was brave enough to put myself through this surgery. I see my orthodontist next Tuesday and i don't see my oral surgeon till February 2018. It feels so great being able to talk more clear and be able to chew. I can open my mouth wide again but because of my surgery my two top teeth are a little lose which is to be expected after this type of surgery so it will take a little time for my teeth to tighten back up again. I'm just so happy to finally eat and believe me i ate like i never ate before. I've been having dead blood clearing out so yay i get to look forward to that for the next 3 - 4 months that's so fun right? LOL not even funny when all i can smell is blood in my nose. I am done with this part of the chapter. Here goes to the next part of recovery its going to be really fun if i ever fly on an airplane LOL! I am very happy with my new smile. I know i am not alone in this cause there has been others that had jaw surgery done. I am just one happy girl to finally eat again. I am basically done updating my Jaw surgery recovery blog for now. I can chew foods all i want but my top jaw still has a full year to fully heal itself. I really do encourage anyone going through this to consider getting your jaw fixed. It would be worth it. I am really happy with myself. I know i made the hardest decision in my life to get this surgery and here i am pulling myself out of it. I will wait probably a year before i can chew gum and eat salad and steak cause i want to be careful and let my jaw fully heal before i decide to chew gum or eat salad cause they are very chewy foods. I'm so excited for Christmas Dinner. Like no joke i can't wait to make up for a lot of the yummy food i missed out on for Thanksgiving Dinner. That's it for 2017 this is the last post for awhile. I will post a few more times in 2018. :)

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